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Ayuda Foundation Thanksgiving Message - November 2018

Thanksgiving Day is one of the best times of the year we use to remind ourselves of the many reasons to be grateful and it is one of our most joyous holidays.

Unfortunately, this Thanksgiving may be a little bleaker for our brothers and sisters in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands because of the lingering effects of Supertyphoon Yutu.

But thanks to the generosity of many on Guam, the victims of Supertyphoon Yutu in the CNMI are living a little easier as donations of essential items to the Ayuda Foundation's CNMI typhoon relief fund continue to pour in.

Thus, this Thanksgiving Day, we in the Ayuda Foundation would like to thank the many donors who contributed in one way or another to the foundations's CNMI typhoon relief drive.

Thank you also to the other groups, individuals, and organizations who held their own CNMI typhoon relief drives. We are all in this together as we are all like one family in Micronesia.

From the biggest corporate donors to the smallest individual donations, all of the contributions, whether monetary or in-kind, will go a long way towards helping our unfortunate brothers and sisters in the CNMI.

Thank you, also, to the tireless Ayuda board members and volunteers who gave, and continue to give, so much of their valuable time and effort toward this worthy undertaking. Thank you for your compassion, for seeing the need, and responding.

And finally, we would like to thank the people of the CNMI for continuing to be strong despite the many challenges facing them. They serve as an inspiration, showing everyone in our region and the rest of the world how to act and deal with adversity in a dignified and graceful manner.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!



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