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Ayuda Foundation helps deliver 15,000 pounds of books to the Yap Department of Education - Feb 2024

Source: Joint Region Marianas

Special Delivery!  Great things happen when many hands carry the load.

 Fifteen thousand pounds of books were delivered to Yap State Department of Education in the Federated States of Micronesia last Friday as part of a joint community relations project with Ayuda Foundation, PC Lujan Elementary School and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). We’d like to give a warm shoutout to all those involved with making this event possible. From collecting and storing these important resources to making the final delivery, this effort was no small task. Thank you to 30th Naval Construction Regiment, Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two-Five (HSC-25), 734th Air Mobility Squadron, Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 153 (VMGR-153) out of Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion FOUR, and U.S. Army Pacific Federated States of Micronesia Oceania Engagement Team for your hard work over the past few weeks.

VMGR-153 flew the books across the final leg of the journey to Yap State while they are currently deployed in Guam in support of Cope North 2024.



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