Last Sunday, May 29th we celebrated our “20 Years Helping the Pacific” 20th Anniversary. Of course, in true Ayuda fashion. Our Director Carlotta Leon Guerrero, truly understands what it means to make every possible dollar go towards doing good (#programgoals) therefore, we celebrated at our Island Girl Power clubhouse instead of one of Guam’s fancy hotels. And instead of offering the finest dining we offered traditional roasting of a local pork (although it doesn’t get much better than that). And instead of praising ourselves we want to praise our partners for enabling us to do such great work and being incredible community supporters.
We awarded partners (in no specific order):
Matson, Pacific Mission Aviation, Bank of Guam, Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority, First Hawaiian Bank, Triple B Forwarders, Kyowa/Marianas Steamship Agencies, Quality Distributors, United Airlines, Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center, Department of Public Health & Social Services, Pay-Less Supermarkets, US Coast Guard, US Navy, PEACE-SAT, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Triple J Enterprises, Triple J Fivestar Wholesale, Pacific Island Movers, Pacific Unlimited (Trucking), Pacific Laundry, University of Guam, Department of Education, the Rotary Club of Tumon Bay, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Filipino Community of Guam, the Rotaract Club of the Marianas.
And thanked supporters:
GuamWebz, USDA, Guam Community College, K57, Chuuk Women’s Council, Rendezvooth, Dededo Mayor Melissa Savares.
We cannot wait to see what our future holds!
