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Domino's Donated $5k to CNMI Typhoon Relief - December 2018

Domino’s Pizza Guam has presented a $5,000 check to the Ayuda Foundation for use in the foundation’s ongoing relief drive for the victims of Super Typhoon Yutu in the CNMI.

And that’s just the first tranche. Domino’s eventual goal is to raise $10,000 for the CNMI typhoon relief drive.

Ayuda officials say the money will be used for the foundation’s CNMI children’s toy drive as well as to buy other essentials needed by CNMI officials and residents to cope with the aftermath of Yutu.

Domino’s officials and personnel presenting $5,000 check to the Ayuda Foundation. From left to right: Domino’s Marketing Associate Chloe Weilbacher, Ayuda Foundation board members Sen. James V. Espaldon, Walden Weilbacher, Executive Director Carlotta Leon Guerrero, former Sen. Frank Blas Jr., Domino’s Guam Head of Finance Julio Dalangin, Marketing Manager Dane Taitano, Operations Manager Gold Mar R. Cura, and Domino’s employees Emeliza Nacar and Billy Ballesteros



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